
End of Life Doula
Providing a continued relationship, comfort, and guidance to those facing a terminal illness or death.Side By Side
As an end of life Doula I do not offer medical care other than what is in my scope of practice as a massage therapist. Over the years, it has not been uncommon for clients to ask me to continue caring for them as they are transitioning through their final days.It is truly an honor & humbling experience and I am grateful for those who have invited me into their space.First and foremost I am here to assist the person in understanding their wants and needs during this difficult time.This can come in many forms- listening and holding space for an open and honest conversation about death and the dying process-work alongside hospice and other healthcare providers-support for the family and loved ones-find creative ways to honor the person after they have died-create guided meditations or rituals specific to a person's religious faith or spirituality- allow space for the person who is dying to have a voice -allow the family to have a chance to rest knowing we're together, side by side.Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions and to inquire about hours of availability, packages, and fees.